Lodi Schools BOE Regular Meeting Open Session
Closed Session 6 PM; Open Session 6:30 PMView Agenda and Information: Lodi BOE Agenda 8_12_2024
Closed Session 6 PM; Open Session 6:30 PMView Agenda and Information: Lodi BOE Agenda 8_12_2024
Closed Session 6 PM; Open Session 6:30 PMView Agenda and Information: Lodi BOE 09092024
Curriculum Committee 4:30 PM; Facility/Finance Committe 6 PMView Agendas and Information:Curriculum-101524101524-FF-agenda
Lodi Community Action TeamView Agenda and Information: LCAT-101624.pdf
View Agnedas and Information: Annual-Meeting-and-Budget-Hearing-Notice-and-Agenda.2024.pdf Board-of-Education-special-meeting-102124.pdf
Closed Session 5:45 PM; OPen Session 6:30 PMView Agenda and Information: BOEAgendaNov2024-revised.pdf
View Agenda and Information: Curriculum-111924-agenda.pdf
View Agenda and Information: 111924-FF-agenda-revised.pdf
View Agenda and Information: OSC-112024-agenda.pdf
View Agenda and Information: Special-meeting-112124.pdf