Town of Dane Residents OnlyWaste and Recycle Center, 6457 Hyslop Road, Dane WI 53529Information: 2024...
Budget Committee at 5:30 PMFacility Committee at 7:30 PM View agendas: Budget Committee AgendaFacility Committee...
Town of Dane Residents OnlyWaste and Recycle Center, 6457 Hyslop Road, Dane WI 53529
Closed Session 6 PM; Open Session 6:30 PMView Agenda and Information: Lodi May BOE Agenda
Dinner and music with Shekinah King Reach Out Lodi, 601 Clark St.RSVP at 608-592-4592
Dane Town Hall, 213 W. Main St., Dane WI 53529View Information and Procedures: BOR Procedures
Town of Dane Residents OnlyWaste and Recycle Center, 6457 Hyslop Road, Dane WI 53529
View Agenda and Information:Special Meeting Agenda 051624