Election Information

** Voters: For an overview of how elections are administered in Wisconsin, visit the web site Elections 101 For Voters


Town of Dane Caucus to select Town Board Candidates for the Spring Election: January 4, 2025, 10 AM at the Town Hall

Spring Primary (If necessary): February 18, 2025

Spring Election: April 1, 2025 (Town Board, School Boards, State Supreme Court Seat)


**Check your voter registration status, register to vote, or request an absentee ballot online at: myvote.wi.gov

Important Please Note:

**If you have moved, even to a new address within the Town of Dane 28 days or more before an election, you must re-register to vote at the new address

**Calendar Year absentee ballot requests expire at the end of 2024.

** You may apply for 2025 Calendar Year Absentee Ballots for all 2025 Elections, or for an Absentee Ballot for any single 2025 Election at  myvote.wi.gov.

** Current Absentee Voters with "Indefinitely Confined" Status:

If you are a voter with an "Indefinitely Confined" absentee ballot request on file, you will continue to receive absentee ballots for all future elections until you request to be removed from the list by contacting the clerk in writing (email to: [email protected] or send request letter to Town Of Dane Clerk Angie Volkman, 7003 Lavina Road, Dane WI 53529. If you fail to return an absentee ballot for the April 1, 2025 Election, you will be asked to reconfirm your status as an IC voter.


My Vote Wisconsin (Voter search, status and voting history, information on voter registration and absentee voting): https://myvote.wi.gov/

Please Note: You can now register to vote online at My Vote Wisconsin if you are an eligible voter and hold a valid State of Wisconsin Driver License or State ID Card (WI DL/ID) that has your current name and address on file with the Wisconsin Department of Motor Vehicles (WI DMV). You will not need to print, mail, or sign the registration form or provide proof of residence (POR).

Wisconsin Voter Eligibility Guide

If you are unable to make a match with WI DMV, you will still have the option to print, sign, and deliver your registration form to your clerk along with a copy of your Proof of Residence.  See also:

Wisconsin Voter Registration Guide

Wisconsin Proof of Residence Guide

Proof of residence Illustrated

Other Useful Information:

Town Of Dane Town of Dane Election Day Emergency Response Plan:
Town of Dane Election Day Emergency and Contingency Response Plan v1.3a

Wisconsin Voter Information Center:

Wisconsin Voter ID Information:

Acceptable Photo ID Illustrated

Acceptable Photo ID Guide

How to  Request an Absentee Ballot: https://elections.wi.gov/voters/absentee

Wisconsin Uniform Instructions for Absentee Voting:Wisconsin Absentee Voting

Dane County Voter Information site: https://www.countyofdane.com/election/

Wisconsin League of Women Voters: www.lwvwi.org

State of Wisconsin Elections and Ethics Commissions

The State of Wisconsin Election Commission site has links to all the election and voting information sites and forms: http://www.elections.wi.gov/
Here are the two most requested forms:

  • Absentee Ballot Request Form:  EL-121 Application for Absentee Ballot (rev. 2020-06)
    • Note: You must include a copy of your photo ID with the form unless it is already on file.
    • You may request an absentee ballot online at My Vote Wisconsin
  • Voter Registration Form: El-131 - (REV 2020-06)
    • Note: You must include a copy of your Proof of Residence with the form.
    • You must have resided at the address provided for 28 consecutive days and do not intend to move.
    • Note: If you have a current Wisconsin Driver's License or ID with your current address, you can register to vote online at

Be sure to follow all instructions when filling out these forms. Mail them to: Angela Volkman, Town of Dane Clerk, 7003 Lavina Road, Dane WI 53529.